Colonel Rush C. Hawkins
Age 29 years; enrolled at New York City to searve two years, and mustered in as Colonel, May 4, 1861; wounded in action, April 19,1862, at Camden, N. C.; mustered out with regiment, May 20, 1863, at New York City; Brigadier- General, U.S. Volunteers, by brevet, from March 13, 1865; commissioned Colonel, June 20, 1861, with the rank from May 13, 1861, original.
The 9th N.Y.V. Medal of Honor recipentes.
From a Compendium of the War
of the Rebellion by Frederick H. Dyer
SERVICE - Duty at Newport News, Va., till September 10, 1861. Forced march to Big Bethel June 10. Baker Lee's, Va., June 29 (Co. "A"). James River, near Newport News, July 5 (Co. "F"). Near Bethel July 8 (Co. "A"). Expedition to Hatteras inlet August 26-29 (Cos. "C," "G" and "H"). Bombardment and capture of Forts Hatteras and Clark August 28-29 (Cos. "C," "G" and "H"). Companies "A," "D'" "E," "F" and "I" moved to Fort Clark September 10 and duty there till February 5, 1862. (Cos. "B" and "K" at Newport News till October 5, 1861, then rejoin Regiment.) Relief of the 20th Indiana at Chickamicomoco October 5-6, 1861. Bernside's Expedition to Roanoke Island and February 5-8, 1862. Battle of Roanoke Island Febuary 8. Reconnoissance to Nag's Head February 10-11 (Cos. "A" and "H"). Expedition up Chowan River to Winton February 18-20. Expedition to Elizabeth City, N.C., April 7-8 (Cos. "H" and "I"). Battle of Camden, South Mills, April 19. Duty at Roanoke Island till July 10. Expedition up Chowan River May 7-9 (Co. "C"). Moved to Norfolk, thence to Newport News, Va., July 10-24. (Co. "F" detached at Plymouth, N.C., June to November, 1862. Capture of Hamilton July 9. Plymouth September 2. Expedition to Tarboro October 30-November 12. Rawle's Mills November 2. Rejoined Regiment at Fredericksburg.) Moved to Aquia Creek and Fredericksburg August 3-5 and duty there till August 30. Expedition to Port Royal August 15-16 (Co. "H"). Rappahannock River August 15 (Co. "H"). Moved to Brooks' Station, there to Washington, D.C., August 31-September 5. Maryland Campaign. Near Jefferson Sepember 13. South Mountain September 14. Battle of Antietam September 16-17. Duty in Pleasant Vally till October 28. Movement to Falmouth, Va., October 28-November 19. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 12-15. (Co. "G") at Burnsides's Headquarters October 31, 1862, to January, 1863.) "Mud March" January 20-24, 1863. Moved to Newport News, Va., February 6; thence to Suffolk March 10. Siege of Suffolk April 12-May 4. Moved to New York May 3-5. Three years' men assigned to 3rd New York Infantry May 6, 1863. Regiment mustered out May 20, 1863, expiration of term.
Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 69 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 23 Enlisted men by disease. Total 96.
Muster-In Roll of the 9th Regt Infantry NYSV (Hawkins' Zouaves)
Transcribed from the NY State Adjutant General's Report
* = Mustered in with regiment on May 4, 1861
Listed as Name; Company; Age; Rank
----- Staff ----
Hawkins, Rush C. _ 29 * Colonel
Betts, George F. _ 34 * Lieut. Col.
Kimball, Edgar A. _ 38 * Major
Evans, James _ * Adjutant
Elliott, Henry H. Jr. _ 27 * Qr. Mast.
Humphreys, George H. _ * Surgeon
Smith, Charles T. _ * Drum Maj.
----- Co A -----
Graham, Andrew S. A 27 * Captain
Child, Charles A 21 * Lieut.
Klingsoehr, Victor A * Ensign
Nicolls, James A 19 * 1st Sergt.
Feldman, Christian A 20 * Sergt.
Debevoise, George W. A 21 * Sergt.
Graham, Matthew J. A 24 * Sergt.
Schilling, Henry A 33 * Corpl.
Thompson, Andrew A 24 * Corpl.
Stage, David L. A 24 * Corpl.
Isaacs, Joseph A 23 * Corpl.
Hollwell, James A. A 23 * Drummer
Huthwaite, Hume A 18 * Drummer
Abbott, Theodore A 19 * Pvt.
Bentley, Thomas A 21 * Pvt.
Betts, Theodore A 19 * Pvt.
Bommer, Peter A 29 * Pvt.
Braitmayer, Otto A 19 * Pvt.
Brazier, William S. A 22 * Pvt.
Brill, J. Augustus A 22 * Pvt.
Brill, James C. A 19 * Pvt.
Cameron, Robert A 23 * Pvt.
Cooper, William S. A 19 * Pvt.
Dickinson, Charles W. A 21 * Pvt.
Drew, Peter L. A 19 * Pvt.
Dodson, William A 21 * Pvt.
Donovan, Jeremiah A 23 * Pvt.
Drake, William A 19 * Pvt.
Dreyfuss, Gustav A 24 * Pvt.
Dolan, James A 19 * Pvt.
Edwards, Joseph A 20 * Pvt.
Eldredge, George W. A 23 * Pvt.
Eldredge, John H. A 25 * Pvt.
Forbes, Oliver A 25 * Pvt.
Gould, John D. A 25 * Pvt.
Hardley, Frank A 22 * Pvt.
Horne, Joseph A 20 * Pvt.
Hopkins, Edward A 19 * Pvt.
Hyde, Robert R. A 22 * Pvt.
Kelly, James A 20 * Pvt.
Knowlson, Charles A 24 * Pvt.
Kress, Severin A 20 * Pvt.
Le Roy, Morris A 18 * Pvt.
Lyon, Charles W. A 21 * Pvt.
May, Marcus A 21 * Pvt.
McConnell, James A 24 * Pvt.
Murganthiler, Frank C. A 19 * Pvt.
Miller, Jacob A 27 * Pvt.
Muscles, John A 20 * Pvt.
Newcomb, George E. A 19 * Pvt.
Pannes, John B. A 23 * Pvt.
Parker, George A 28 * Pvt.
Redfield, James H. A 23 * Pvt.
Roberts, Ephraim B. A 23 * Pvt.
Roberts, George W. A 19 * Pvt.
Rogers, George L. A 28 * Pvt.
Schweizer, Herman P. A 22 * Pvt.
Schumacher, Gustav A 27 * Pvt.
Sherman, Birdsey L. A 18 * Pvt.
Sickles, Benjamin T. A 18 * Pvt.
Snow, Frederick A 18 * Pvt.
Snow, George W. A 18 * Pvt.
Stage, Joseph A 22 * Pvt.
Stevens, William H. A 19 * Pvt.
Stevens, John J. A 20 * Pvt.
Spreemvenburg, Jacob A 19 * Pvt.
Thompson, John A 23 * Pvt.
Topping, Robert R. A 18 * Pvt.
Van Cott, David A 25 * Pvt.
Van Cott, William H. A 22 * Pvt.
Voorhees, Jeremiah F. A 20 * Pvt.
Vanderburgh, Richard A 28 * Pvt.
Volk, William H. A 21 * Pvt.
Walter, Charles H. A 22 * Pvt.
Whitmore, Thomas F. A 19 * Pvt.
Wentz, Jacob A 19 * Pvt.
Reynolds, Jesse F. A 27 * Pvt.
Allen, James A Pvt.
Grobecker, William A Pvt.
Morse, Charles W. A Pvt.
Ott, Jacob A Pvt.
----- Co B -----
Barnett, William G. B 24 * Captain
Barnett, George A. C. B 21 * 1st Lieut.
Bartholomew, Thomas L. B 21 * Ensign
Herbert, George H. B 25 * 1st Sergt.
Smith, Edgar B 24 * Sergt.
Miller, John T. B 25 * Sergt.
Dews, Edwin B 22 * Sergt.
Miller, Charles R. B 22 * Corpl.
Murray, George B 22 * Corpl.
Bogart, John A. B 22 * Corpl.
Whitney, John R. B 20 * Corpl.
McClelland, Michael B 16 * Musician
Langbein, J. C. Julius B 15 * Musician
Anderson, Mott B 19 * Pvt.
Atkinson, Thomas B 19 * Pvt.
Allen, Montague B 24 * Pvt.
Adair, John B. B 30 * Pvt.
Boltz, Michael B 19 * Pvt.
Burgh, Adolph B 22 * Pvt.
Buckmaster, Robert M. B 31 * Pvt.
Bright, Henry B 23 * Pvt.
Carpenter, Edward E. B 20 * Pvt.
Cortez, John A. B 21 * Pvt.
Corgman, Morgan B 21 * Pvt.
Conroy, John B 20 * Pvt.
Ditterlen, Louis B 18 * Pvt.
Dysert, John W. B 24 * Pvt.
Dorber, George B 20 * Pvt.
Degenan, David D. B 18 * Pvt.
Enever, Hugh B 23 * Pvt.
Eagleson, William B 24 * Pvt.
Fisher, Thomas B 20 * Pvt.
French, Benjamin F. B 24 * Pvt.
Greer, George B 18 * Pvt.
Grant, Richard B 22 * Pvt.
Godfrey, Edward B 22 * Pvt.
Good, Michael B 20 * Pvt.
Hyatt, James B 21 * Pvt.
Hutchinson, Harold B 22 * Pvt.
Hampson, John B 19 * Pvt.
Jones, Albert B 22 * Pvt.
Johnson, John F. B 22 * Pvt.
Jones, Robert B 22 * Pvt.
Lintner, Mathias B 19 * Pvt.
Low, James B 22 * Pvt.
Madden, Martin B 19 * Pvt.
Messinger, Peter B 19 * Pvt.
Molloy, Albert W. B 21 * Pvt.
Moser, William F. B 19 * Pvt.
Michell, Francis B 19 * Pvt.
Malcolm, Joseph B 19 * Pvt.
Miles, John T. B 25 * Pvt.
Neil, James B 19 * Pvt.
O'Conner, Michael B 21 * Pvt.
Osborn, Samuel B 20 * Pvt.
Porter, Albert E. B 18 * Pvt.
Parker, George B 18 * Pvt.
Parker, James B 19 * Pvt.
Pfaffle, Frederic B 20 * Pvt.
Rassiga, Eugene B 18 * Pvt.
Rowe, Henry B 20 * Pvt.
Roder, Charles L. B 19 * Pvt.
Roberts, John H. B 20 * Pvt.
Rogers, William J. B 19 * Pvt.
Reed, Thomas B 31 * Pvt.
See, John B 19 * Pvt.
Spooner, Arthur B 26 * Pvt.
Spicer, Napoleon B. B 21 * Pvt.
Sill, Byron G. B 19 * Pvt.
Stanton, Michael B 19 * Pvt.
Thomas, Albert B 24 * Pvt.
Van Sickle, Albert B 19 * Pvt.
Wettlanfer, John B 18 * Pvt.
Wagner, Peter B 19 * Pvt.
Wehman, Clemens B 20 * Pvt.
Whitney, Isaac B 23 * Pvt.
Wadhams, Boyd A. B 28 * Pvt.
Collins, John M. B Pvt.
Folan, James B Pvt.
Haggett, Samuel B Pvt.
Harris, Spencer L. B Pvt.
Hars, William B Pvt.
Mead, James B Pvt.
Newell, G. T. B Pvt.
Winchell, George W. B Pvt.
----- Co C -----
Parisen, Otto W. C 35 * Captain
Ennis, William H. C 19 * Lieut.
Mitchell, John D. C 19 * Ensign
Powell, Frank C 22 * 1st Sergt.
Morris, Richard H. C 21 * Sergt.
Geayer, Jacob C 20 * Sergt.
Cooper, Edward C. C 25 * Sergt.
Crawford, Stephen H. C 21 * Corpl.
Cooley, Dawson W. C 21 * Corpl.
Alpers, Henry W. C 22 * Corpl.
Albert, Robert H. C 22 * Corpl.
Kies, Edwin H. C 21 * Musician
Baese, Otto C 16 * Musician
Beebe, Joseph C 20 * Pvt.
Beese, Emil C 19 * Pvt.
Bennett, Alfred C 20 * Pvt.
Casey, James A. C 18 * Pvt.
Caster, Edward C 18 * Pvt.
Chandler, John W. C 20 * Pvt.
Cross, Frank C 19 * Pvt.
Cunningham, John C 19 * Pvt.
Chandler, Charles L. C 32 * Pvt.
Cunningham, William C 21 * Pvt.
Currie, Charles C 19 * Pvt.
Dale, Samuel C 21 * Pvt.
Doyle, Patrick J. C 25 * Pvt.
Clerihew, Paul J. C 20 * Pvt.
Dwight, Delos C 20 * Pvt.
Field, Joshua C. C 21 * Pvt.
Flowers, James W. C 26 * Pvt.
Flin, John C 20 * Pvt.
Fox, Frederick C 19 * Pvt.
Frederick, Gustavus C 19 * Pvt.
Gosser, Franz C 28 * Pvt.
Goldsmith, Lewis C 20 * Pvt.
Gansman, John H. C 19 * Pvt.
Gass, Philip C 20 * Pvt.
Hassell, John C 21 * Pvt.
Havens, A. William C 25 * Pvt.
Havens, John R. C 21 * Pvt.
Hudson, William S. C 20 * Pvt.
Johnson, Redmond C 26 * Pvt.
Koch, Edward C 22 * Pvt.
Kilmer, Mosos C. C 19 * Pvt.
Lindner, Nicholas C. C 19 * Pvt.
Livingston, Thomas C 21 * Pvt.
Lloyd, William C 19 * Pvt.
Morschauser, George C 18 * Pvt.
Meyers, Martin C 23 * Pvt.
Murray, James C 24 * Pvt.
Malcolm, Samuel C 19 * Pvt.
Morehead, William R. C 19 * Pvt.
Macnab, Alexander C 18 * Pvt.
Matile, Edward C 20 * Pvt.
McCoy, Amos C 20 * Pvt.
Madigan, Samuel C 20 * Pvt.
Moore, Lawrence C 19 * Pvt.
Obdyke, Samuel C 25 * Pvt.
O'Brien, Daniel C 19 * Pvt.
Patterson, George C 19 * Pvt.
Pauly, Christian C 20 * Pvt.
Pease, William R. C 22 * Pvt.
Ryan, John C 19 * Pvt.
Rowan, John C 23 * Pvt.
Rolpe, Richard A. C 30 * Pvt.
Roe, Charles F. C 31 * Pvt.
Smith, Angelo M. C 19 * Pvt.
Stephens, Elsden C 19 * Pvt.
Thomas, Charles E. C 21 * Pvt.
Tuttle, Joel E. C 22 * Pvt.
Van Amburg, John C 18 * Pvt.
Wekesser, Philip C 25 * Pvt.
Wernley, George C 28 * Pvt.
Witz, Francis J. C 21 * Pvt.
Witz, Paul C 23 * Pvt.
Witterman, Adam C 21 * Pvt.
Weber, Andrew C 21 * Pvt.
Abu, William C Pvt.
Duffy, James C Pvt.
Dusenberry, Augustus C Pvt.
Kennedy, Edward C Pvt.
Stiles, Benjamin C Pvt.
----- Co D -----
Wright, Henry D 21 * Captain
Harrison, John Sanders D 28 * Lieut.
Perley, John Keys D 18 * Ensign
Horner, James D 21 * 1st Sergt.
Wiebelt, George D 20 * Sergt.
Beesling, Henry D 35 * Sergt.
Braynard, James H. D 18 * Sergt.
Kennedy, James D 21 * Corpl.
Hughson, John T. D 27 * Corpl.
Booth, Charles E. D 21 * Corpl.
Fitzgerald, James D 25 * Corpl.
Cook, John D 18 * Drummer
Scott, John D 18 * Musician
Alexander, Phillip D 24 * Pvt.
Anderson, Henry D 25 * Pvt.
Areson, Samuel D 18 * Pvt.
Burns, Joseph T. D 20 * Pvt.
Boylan, James D 20 * Pvt.
Beethuysen, Otto D 18 * Pvt.
Black, John D 21 * Pvt.
Briggs, Charles D 19 * Pvt.
Berry, Theodore D 19 * Pvt.
Chavantre, Alfred D 21 * Pvt.
Campbell, George W. D 18 * Pvt.
Conklin, John A. D 18 * Pvt.
Conroy, Richard D 20 * Pvt.
Carson, John D 27 * Pvt.
Cutler, Robert D 19 * Pvt.
Cavanagh, Peter D 19 * Pvt.
Curtin, John D 20 * Pvt.
Colman, Joseph D 18 * Pvt.
Campbell, William D 20 * Pvt.
Carman, George W. D 19 * Pvt.
Dean, Junius D 20 * Pvt.
Dark, George D 19 * Pvt.
Delder, John D 21 * Pvt.
Evans, John D 21 * Pvt.
Erbe, Charles D 19 * Pvt.
Fletcher, Oatman D 18 * Pvt.
Goern, Matthias D 20 * Pvt.
Hotaling, Charles D 29 * Pvt.
Hodges, James D 20 * Pvt.
Hunt, James D 19 * Pvt.
Hyde, Theodore D 19 * Pvt.
Haynes, James D 19 * Pvt.
Keating, William D 19 * Pvt.
Le Noir, Henry D 19 * Pvt.
Laurens, John D 20 * Pvt.
Loyman, Louis D 23 * Pvt.
Martin, Alphonzo D 18 * Pvt.
Marshall, William D 18 * Pvt.
Moeser, John D 19 * Pvt.
McNamara, John D 21 * Pvt.
McGowan, Thomas D 20 * Pvt.
McCoy, Francis D 19 * Pvt.
Macready, Edward D 19 * Pvt.
Micheals, Charles D 21 * Pvt.
Mealeany, James D 19 * Pvt.
McCosker, John D 20 * Pvt.
Mellaney, James D 20 * Pvt.
Nicholls, Jasper D 19 * Pvt.
Ostron, John D 25 * Pvt.
O'Connor, Patrick D 20 * Pvt.
Phoenix, Richard D 19 * Pvt.
Quin, Michael D 29 * Pvt.
Rogers, William D 18 * Pvt.
Reaut, Victor D 20 * Pvt.
Rothert, William D 19 * Pvt.
Shay, Charles D 22 * Pvt.
Searing, Peter J. D 19 * Pvt.
Searing, Sylvester D 19 * Pvt.
Sherwood, George D 19 * Pvt.
Taylor, Charles D 22 * Pvt.
Van Orden, Robert D 19 * Pvt.
Wilson, Thomas D 22 * Pvt.
Wier, Edward R. D 21 * Pvt.
Wildey, Wilfred D 19 * Pvt.
Curran, Joseph D Pvt.
Hackett, Thomas D Pvt.
Morge, Louis D Pvt.
Shane, Samuel D Pvt.
Wiltsie, James D Pvt.
----- Co E -----
Le Baires, Adolphe E 21 * Captain
Bartlett, John H. E 26 * Lieut.
Bartlett, William A. E 24 * Ensign
Dunlap, August P. E 19 * 1st Sergt.
Nolan, Michael E 19 * Sergt.
Jacobshon, Louis E 29 * Sergt.
Gandolpho, John B. E 19 * Sergt.
Keating, James E 22 * Corpl.
Davis, Charles E 33 * Corpl.
Latapie, Peter P. E 25 * Corpl.
Kimbel, Henry E 21 * Corpl.
Logan, John F. E 17 * Musician
Scott, William E 20 * Musician
Auten, John R. E 23 * Pvt.
Borstk, William E 20 * Pvt.
Bauer, John E 19 * Pvt.
Clements, James E 25 * Pvt.
Cahill, Patrick E 20 * Pvt.
Chapin, John E 19 * Pvt.
Cummings, Daniel E 26 * Pvt.
Cockefair, William E 26 * Pvt.
Chrissman, Micheal E 20 * Pvt.
Cambell, Benjamin E 20 * Pvt.
Coen, Patrick E 20 * Pvt.
Dow, William E 24 * Pvt.
Dever, Daniel E 19 * Pvt.
Dellman, Fredrick E 22 * Pvt.
Dellman, Adam E 20 * Pvt.
Detuck, Christ E 20 * Pvt.
Earl, Charles E 21 * Pvt.
Freman, Charles E 20 * Pvt.
Farrell, Nicholas E 25 * Pvt.
Gill, Francis P. E 28 * Pvt.
Glasser, Phillip E 19 * Pvt.
Golding, Thomas E 23 * Pvt.
Heassen, Robert E 21 * Pvt.
Heyde, James E 22 * Pvt.
Hyer, James E 21 * Pvt.
Hefferman, John E 20 * Pvt.
Hart, Frank E 20 * Pvt.
Harpell, Charles E 23 * Pvt.
Higgins, Jeremiah E 22 * Pvt.
Hoffman, Fredrick E 21 * Pvt.
Jaeger, Andrew E 28 * Pvt.
Jachum, Nicholas E 20 * Pvt.
Judge, James E 25 * Pvt.
Johnston, Frank E 23 * Pvt.
Kelly, Thomas E 20 * Pvt.
Keenan, Michael E 20 * Pvt.
Lange, John S. E 21 * Pvt.
Leonhard, Augustus E 22 * Pvt.
Logan, David E 19 * Pvt.
Miller, Austin E 19 * Pvt.
McGowan, James E 21 * Pvt.
Morgan, Metart E 21 * Pvt.
McMahon, James E 30 * Pvt.
McDawl, Samuel E 19 * Pvt.
McLean, William E 28 * Pvt.
Martin, John E. E 21 * Pvt.
Nichols, Adam E 23 * Pvt.
Pratt, Amasa E 31 * Pvt.
Rung, Fredrick E 19 * Pvt.
Reavey, Hugh E 19 * Pvt.
Rossner, Fredrick E 19 * Pvt.
Singclair, Raimond E 22 * Pvt.
Saweyer, Charles E 26 * Pvt.
Stuart, Thomas E 21 * Pvt.
Stewart, Edward E 25 * Pvt.
Smith, Abisha E 24 * Pvt.
Smith, Edward E 19 * Pvt.
Sweetman, Henry E 19 * Pvt.
Thompson, John C. E 28 * Pvt.
Volk, Andrew E 19 * Pvt.
Van Syckle, William B. E 25 * Pvt.
Vogt, Alexander E 21 * Pvt.
Winder, Ferdinand E 21 * Pvt.
Withers, James E 30 * Pvt.
Coulman, Louis E Pvt.
Gorman, Patrick E Pvt.
----- Co F -----
Hammell, William W. F 24 * Captain
Perley, Henry C. F 19 * Lieut.
Prescott, Charles W. F 30 * Ensign
Morschhauser, John A. F 23 * Sergt.
Green, David J. F 23 * Sergt.
Greene, Joseph A. F 23 * Sergt.
Martin, Peter J. F 24 * Sergt.
McMillen, John F 32 * Corpl.
Reed, William H. F 23 * Corpl.
Wright, Clark F 21 * Corpl.
Renner, Henry C. F 24 * Corpl.
Plase, William F 17 * Musician
Pollock, William F 19 * Musician
Armstrong, Robert W. F 18 * Pvt.
Afflick, Stephen D. F 18 * Pvt.
Bath, Theodore F 20 * Pvt.
Busch, Frederick F 23 * Pvt.
Byrd, Frederick F 19 * Pvt.
Byrd, John F 22 * Pvt.
Bruce, Orsamus B. F 21 * Pvt.
Berdan, William F 20 * Pvt.
Banta, William H. F 19 * Pvt.
Bennett, John H. F 30 * Pvt.
Cochran, Thomas F 18 * Pvt.
Cole, Alfred R. F 22 * Pvt.
Cosgrove, James F 19 * Pvt.
Craft, George F 21 * Pvt.
Donohue, Thomas A. F 19 * Pvt.
Daley, William F 21 * Pvt.
Eike, Charles F 20 * Pvt.
Eike, William H. F 24 * Pvt.
England, Jacob F 22 * Pvt.
Fucot, Louis F 28 * Pvt.
Flockton, Thomas F 28 * Pvt.
Fink, John F 29 * Pvt.
Gray, John N. F 22 * Pvt.
Gunther, Henry F 21 * Pvt.
Grogan, John F 18 * Pvt.
Hartenfels, William F 24 * Pvt.
Hermans, William F 21 * Pvt.
Hollinswaithe, John F 21 * Pvt.
Hodgkins, Augustus F 25 * Pvt.
Hughes, John L. F 20 * Pvt.
Hughes, William H. F 24 * Pvt.
Ingersoll, William H. F 22 * Pvt.
Justice, Thomas F 24 * Pvt.
Johnson, Thomas F 19 * Pvt.
Kervan, Edward F 20 * Pvt.
Leonard, Jacob F 18 * Pvt.
Lockwood, David F 25 * Pvt.
Leaycraft, John C. F 21 * Pvt.
Moore, Francis J. F 20 * Pvt.
Munson, George W. F 18 * Pvt.
Monk, Charles T. F 18 * Pvt.
Meinacke, Theodore F 35 * Pvt.
Milenitte, Henry F 18 * Pvt.
Meyer, Sebastian F 29 * Pvt.
O'Hara, John F 23 * Pvt.
Parezo, Francis M. F 28 * Pvt.
Parmenter, Henry F 19 * Pvt.
Richards, Joseph H. F 20 * Pvt.
Ruff, Segimund F 22 * Pvt.
Rilley, James F 20 * Pvt.
Sheppard, Herman F 23 * Pvt.
Schleth, Henry F 19 * Pvt.
Starr, Amos L. F 21 * Pvt.
Smith, Julian F 22 * Pvt.
Thompson, George C. F 19 * Pvt.
Thornton, Edward F 19 * Pvt.
Thain, Hamilton W. F 18 * Pvt.
Taylor, George F 19 * Pvt.
Von Grieff, Max F 18 * Pvt.
Von Grieff, Otto F 21 * Pvt.
Wies, John P. F 20 * Pvt.
White, Joseph E. F 22 * Pvt.
Wallenstein, Henry F 21 * Pvt.
Wilcox, George W. F 23 * Pvt.
Carpenter, J. G. F Pvt.
Crookston, A. A. F Pvt.
Denham, James B. F Pvt.
Denham, William F Pvt.
Duncan, William F Pvt.
Gunn, George L. F Pvt.
Hoffmann, George B. F Pvt.
Hyni, Edwin R. F Pvt.
Kelly, John J. F Pvt.
Read, Thomas F Pvt.
West, Theodore F Pvt.
----- Co G -----
Jardine, Edward G 31 * Captain
Webster, Almar P. G 20 * Lieut.
McElrath, Thomas P. G 25 * Ensign
Andrews, William S. G 20 * 1st Sergt.
Burdett, Richard A. G 21 * Sergt.
Glasser, Charles G 20 * Sergt.
Hawes, Benjamin F. G 20 * Sergt.
Negus, Allen W. G 25 * Corpl.
Williams, William G 25 * Corpl.
Andrews, Stephen P. Jr. G 18 * Corpl.
Murgoo, John W. G 22 * Corpl.
Adams, Richard G 17 * Musician
Matie, William G 19 * Musician
Allison, Evander G 20 * Pvt.
Allison, Garrett G 18 * Pvt.
Ackerson, George G 22 * Pvt.
Brinkman, Frederic G 33 * Pvt.
Bertholf, Gilbert G 33 * Pvt.
Boulanger, Frederic G 22 * Pvt.
Cotter, Patrick G 19 * Pvt.
Cannon, Patrick G 24 * Pvt.
Cannon, Cornelius G 19 * Pvt.
Crowley, David G 21 * Pvt.
Carroll, John G 19 * Pvt.
Clark, Peter G 23 * Pvt.
Campbell, John G 22 * Pvt.
Collins, Thomas G 22 * Pvt.
Doherty, Daniel G 22 * Pvt.
Demorest, John W. G 22 * Pvt.
Drum, Edward G 23 * Pvt.
Drake, James G 27 * Pvt.
Daley, Dennis G 30 * Pvt.
Decker, William E. G 19 * Pvt.
Eadas, John G 20 * Pvt.
Eisley, John A. G 24 * Pvt.
Everard, Gardner G 26 * Pvt.
Edsall, William H. G 29 * Pvt.
Fronapfel, Valentine G 28 * Pvt.
Farley, Thomas G 23 * Pvt.
Hodge, William M. G 20 * Pvt.
Holland, Thomas G 26 * Pvt.
Holland, Patrick G 19 * Pvt.
Hill, William G 21 * Pvt.
Hawkey, George W. G 21 * Pvt.
Hertling, Michael G 21 * Pvt.
Haas, Nicholas G 26 * Pvt.
Kenna, Michael G 30 * Pvt.
Judge, Francis G 21 * Pvt.
Kavanagh, Charles G 30 * Pvt.
Knapp, William G 18 * Pvt.
Knight, Frank G 21 * Pvt.
Kabele, John G 23 * Pvt.
Manix, Patrick G 20 * Pvt.
McMurray, William G 18 * Pvt.
McQuade, Henry G 23 * Pvt.
McSorley, Hugh G 24 * Pvt.
McDonough, Michael G 19 * Pvt.
Mullen, Simon G 19 * Pvt.
Marshall, John G 20 * Pvt.
Negus, Addison G. G 22 * Pvt.
O'Brien, Timothy G 21 * Pvt.
Oesan, John G 21 * Pvt.
O'Donnell, Charles G 21 * Pvt.
Quin, Hugh G 28 * Pvt.
Reisser, Charles G 26 * Pvt.
Riley, Edward G 19 * Pvt.
Spofford, Ira G 39 * Pvt.
Sullivan, Jeremiah G 21 * Pvt.
Scott, William G 26 * Pvt.
Slaight, David M. G 30 * Pvt.
Shuart, Herrman G 20 * Pvt.
Sparks, Charles G 21 * Pvt.
Toumey, John G 21 * Pvt.
Thompson, Alfred G 19 * Pvt.
Vischer, Henry G 32 * Pvt.
Weisshar, Antoine G 19 * Pvt.
Weaver, John G 19 * Pvt.
Brady, Michael G 23 Pvt.
Cornell, Alonzo G 18 Pvt.
Fields, Wm. M. G 23 Pvt.
Gehing, Anthony G 20 Pvt.
King, James G 20 Pvt.
Meyers, Horace W. G 19 Pvt.
Patrick, Daniel G 19 Pvt.
----- Co H -----
Rodriquez, Joseph C. H 30 * Captain
Leahy, Lawrence H 21 * Lieut.
Lafon, Vincent F. H 21 * Ensign
Hodgers, Thomas H 29 * 1st Sergt.
McKechnie, Robert H 25 * Sergt.
Johnson, Robert H 23 * Sergt.
Wood, Dewitt H 20 * Sergt.
Burns, John H 21 * Corpl.
Rankin, Thomas H 26 * Corpl.
Brady, John T. H 18 * Corpl.
Woolcot, William H 23 * Corpl.
Vanness, James I. H 19 * Drummer
Walsh, John F. H 17 * Musician
Ackermann, George H 18 * Pvt.
Beesam, Christian H 22 * Pvt.
Barton, David H 22 * Pvt.
Baker, John H. H 21 * Pvt.
Black, John H 19 * Pvt.
Burns, John H 23 * Pvt.
Benner, Francis H 19 * Pvt.
Bower, William H 18 * Pvt.
Bradley, Robert H 19 * Pvt.
Burke, Thomas H 28 * Pvt.
Burns, William H 21 * Pvt.
Curtis, Wilber F. H 33 * Pvt.
Crossen, John H 23 * Pvt.
Cottren, Elijah H 30 * Pvt.
Daney, Alexander H 21 * Pvt.
Donohoe, Francis H 19 * Pvt.
Dockstader, Crosby H 26 * Pvt.
Dockstader, Laney H 26 * Pvt.
Dewey, Robert I. H 19 * Pvt.
Gundey, Timothy H 25 * Pvt.
Gendeman, John H 21 * Pvt.
Gillespie, John H 19 * Pvt.
Hartly, William H 20 * Pvt.
Hart, Henry H 18 * Pvt.
Huber, John H 18 * Pvt.
Irvin, Henry H 21 * Pvt.
Johnston, George W. H 20 * Pvt.
Krekel, William H 20 * Pvt.
Lyons, James H. H 19 * Pvt.
Leslie, William H 20 * Pvt.
McCormick, John H 19 * Pvt.
McDermott, Peter H 19 * Pvt.
Matthews, William H 21 * Pvt.
Murphy, Martin H 19 * Pvt.
Mayne, George H 24 * Pvt.
McMahon, Hugh H 31 * Pvt.
McGinniss, James H 21 * Pvt.
Maxwell, Alexander H 19 * Pvt.
McNamara, Francis H 26 * Pvt.
Moore, Lafayette H 18 * Pvt.
Maire, Edward H 24 * Pvt.
Newman, Henry H 19 * Pvt.
Nash, Patrick H 19 * Pvt.
Norris, William H 20 * Pvt.
Naeber, Thomas A. H 20 * Pvt.
Orr, James H 19 * Pvt.
Owens, John H 19 * Pvt.
Pearson, Thomas H 22 * Pvt.
Patterson, William H 25 * Pvt.
Simig, Bernard H 22 * Pvt.
Simons, Harris H 21 * Pvt.
Snyder, Samuel H 20 * Pvt.
Skinner, John C. H 32 * Pvt.
Schradin, Henry H 20 * Pvt.
Twaddle, John H 19 * Pvt.
Trotter, Francis H 20 * Pvt.
Wyman, William H 20 * Pvt.
Wyman, Charles H 18 * Pvt.
Wallace, Thomas H 20 * Pvt.
Williams, Thomas H 18 * Pvt.
Wiseman, Charles H 20 * Pvt.
Witt, Francis H 19 * Pvt.
Davis, David H 27 * Pvt.
Rigby, Thomas H 21 * Pvt.
Carter, George B. H 23 Pvt.
Finch, Matthew M. H 20 Pvt.
Hamilton, Alexander F. H 21 Pvt.
Jessop, William H 28 Pvt.
Reese, William H 19 Pvt.
----- Co I -----
Copcutt, Henry W. I 26 * Captain
Burke, Timothy J. I 25 * Lieut.
Fleming, James H. I 26 * Ensign
Jackson, Richard H. I 19 * 1st Sergt.
Kivin, Edward H. I 20 * Sergt.
Rourke, Thomas I 24 * Sergt.
Perrett, Charles H. I 25 * Sergt.
Adams, Robert I 22 * Corpl.
Hill, Charles E. I 26 * Corpl.
Davis, John S. I 20 * Corpl.
McGlinchy, John I 22 * Corpl.
Brown, William I 24 * Pvt.
Bodell, Charles I 20 * Pvt.
Bell, Richard I 20 * Pvt.
Bartlett, Fredrich E. I 24 * Pvt.
Beath, James I 19 * Pvt.
Boyd, Dewitt I 19 * Pvt.
Blass, Joseph D. I 19 * Pvt.
Beaur, Albert I 20 * Pvt.
Bolger, Thomas I 19 * Pvt.
Beaton, Charles H. I 19 * Pvt.
Cervins, Edwards I 22 * Pvt.
Collins, Levi I 19 * Pvt.
Carson, John I 20 * Pvt.
Colton, Michael I 22 * Pvt.
Crosby, Robert I 20 * Pvt.
Cassidy, Charles I 19 * Pvt.
Cockafer, William I 22 * Pvt.
Cavanagh, James I 27 * Pvt.
Driscoll, William I 19 * Pvt.
Dulton, Charles I 19 * Pvt.
Donovan, Timothy D. I 20 * Pvt.
Duir, David W. I 21 * Pvt.
Edu, Charles B. I 21 * Pvt.
Flanagan, William I 22 * Pvt.
Fulton, Theodore I 19 * Pvt.
Grogan, John I 26 * Pvt.
Gough, James J. I 21 * Pvt.
Graham, Charles I 19 * Pvt.
Gaiffin, Jacob M. I 20 * Pvt.
Hamilton, David I 20 * Pvt.
Hilceam, Charles I 22 * Pvt.
Hagan, Daniel I 21 * Pvt.
Johnston, Charles F. I 21 * Pvt.
Kirman, James I 19 * Pvt.
Knohr, William I 21 * Pvt.
Kitz, Nicholas I 22 * Pvt.
Luckman, John I 23 * Pvt.
Lockwood, John I 21 * Pvt.
Lanagan, Edward I 25 * Pvt.
Murphy, James I 23 * Pvt.
Milling, John I 22 * Pvt.
Mayers, William I 19 * Pvt.
Marshall, Samuel I 21 * Pvt.
Maran, Thomas I 18 * Pvt.
McKinley, John I 27 * Pvt.
McKaffney, Francis I 20 * Pvt.
Moore, William I 18 * Pvt.
Platt, Lewis E. I 29 * Pvt.
Ross, John G. I 21 * Pvt.
Schwartz, Jacob I 21 * Pvt.
Sweeney, Peter I 18 * Pvt.
Schultz, James I 19 * Pvt.
Seward, William M. I 20 * Pvt.
Smyth, James I 24 * Pvt.
Shaw, William I 22 * Pvt.
Severance, William I 25 * Pvt.
Sproutz, Nicholas I 19 * Pvt.
Smyth, William I 24 * Pvt.
Turner, John I 20 * Pvt.
Thain, Hamilton M. I 21 * Pvt.
Thatcher, Charles I 19 * Pvt.
Wallan, Franklin I 22 * Pvt.
Waterson, Henry W. I 19 * Pvt.
Wilcox, Charles I 21 * Pvt.
Wheeler, Henry I 20 * Pvt.
Warren, Albert I 25 * Pvt.
Westervelt, John I 22 * Pvt.
Vanderwerken, George I 20 * Pvt.
Zinch, Charles I 20 * Pvt.
Adair, John I Pvt.
Curry, Patrick I Pvt.
Downey, Dennis I Pvt.
Fulton, David I Pvt.
Gallagher, Charles I Pvt.
Haustolm, George I Pvt.
Marsh, Samuel H. I Pvt.
Rossell, Wm. H. I Pvt.
Warke, Wm. I Pvt.
----- Co K -----
Stiner, Joseph N. K 28 * Captain
Foster, Frank S. K 28 * Lieut.
Doughty, George T. K 21 * Ensign
Donaldson, John Lindsay K 21 * 1st Sergt.
Starr, John Henry K 23 * Sergt.
Flanigan, Christopher K 26 * Sergt.
Neidorf, Anthony K 34 * Sergt.
Gaynor, Frederick K 22 * Corpl.
Sherwin, George J. K 28 * Corpl.
Hanna, Francis K 22 * Corpl.
Eytinge, Henry K 19 * Corpl.
Hutchisson, William K 20 * Musician
Ross, Henry K 18 * Musician
Anketell, William T. K 19 * Pvt.
Bowers, George C. K 20 * Pvt.
Bamrick, Thomas K 19 * Pvt.
Blanchard, Alan K 19 * Pvt.
Brodigan, Patrick K 21 * Pvt.
Blair, Thomas K 19 * Pvt.
Browning, John K 21 * Pvt.
Clark, Barney K 21 * Pvt.
Cunningham, Michael K 19 * Pvt.
Cook, Theodore K 20 * Pvt.
Cox, Michael K 20 * Pvt.
Cole, Francis K 23 * Pvt.
Curley, Michael K 20 * Pvt.
Deck, Francis K 21 * Pvt.
Farley, Thomas K 19 * Pvt.
Farming, William K 21 * Pvt.
Fleming, Howard K 22 * Pvt.
Hickey, Michael K 23 * Pvt.
Hogan, James K 20 * Pvt.
Hyler, William K 20 * Pvt.
Horne, James K 20 * Pvt.
Hildebrand, Basil K 22 * Pvt.
Henly, John K 19 * Pvt.
Johnston, Robert K 19 * Pvt.
Kelly, Patrick K 21 * Pvt.
Knapp, William K 20 * Pvt.
Kline, Peter K 31 * Pvt.
Kelly, Michael K 21 * Pvt.
Karker, Lewis K 25 * Pvt.
Munroe, Robert K 19 * Pvt.
McSorley, Lewis K 21 * Pvt.
Marks, Jonas K 30 * Pvt.
Mahon, Michael K 32 * Pvt.
Muray, Michael K 19 * Pvt.
Masisfield, Francis K 27 * Pvt.
McLoughlin, Alexander K 22 * Pvt.
Mulligan, Michael K 21 * Pvt.
McMullen, William K 19 * Pvt.
Malone, John K 20 * Pvt.
McLaughlin, Michael K 25 * Pvt.
McNellis, Patrick K 21 * Pvt.
Nichols, George C. K 22 * Pvt.
Newber, Charles K 19 * Pvt.
Nash, John K 20 * Pvt.
Prime, William K 20 * Pvt.
Presley, Benjamin K 26 * Pvt.
Patterson, Henry K 18 * Pvt.
Ryan, John K 20 * Pvt.
Ritchie, James K 20 * Pvt.
Sullivan, William K 22 * Pvt.
Stevens, Daniel F. K 21 * Pvt.
Shaffer, John K 21 * Pvt.
Shields, John R. K 19 * Pvt.
Scott, Edward K 19 * Pvt.
Sheik, Edward K 30 * Pvt.
Schaffer, Valentine K 30 * Pvt.
Shannan, Sylvester K 19 * Pvt.
Skellery, Charles K 19 * Pvt.
Starkey, Thomas K 21 * Pvt.
Scanlon, Richard K 21 * Pvt.
Stapleton, Thomas K 21 * Pvt.
Travis, William K 18 * Pvt.
Terry, Edmond K 19 * Pvt.
Taylor, Henry W. K 35 * Pvt.
Ufford, John K 19 * Pvt.
Walsh, John K 21 * Pvt.
Walker, Robert K 23 * Pvt.
Wilkinson, Alexander K 22 * Pvt.
Wright, James K 19 * Pvt.
Wendling, Charles K 20 * Pvt.
Wendle, Jacob K 20 * Pvt.
Yenny, Joseph K 22 * Pvt.
Connelly, Patrick K Pvt.
Hopper, George K Pvt.
McGinnis, John K Pvt.
Nolan, Walter K Pvt.
Peacock, Francis M. K Pvt.
Rose, Solomon K Pvt.
More 9th New York Members
Compiled by George J. Weinmann
George J. Weinmann
Charles F. Weinmann
Actor 1864
Members of the 9th New York Vols. Hawkins' Zouaves
from New York.They stand in back of the grave of Hawkins'
Zouave Bugler John Lange in Lutheran Cemetery Queens NY.
Lt. Col. Edgar A. Kimball
Age 38 years; enrolled April 23, 1861, at New York City to serve two years; mustered in as Major, May 4, 1861; as Lieutenant-Colonel, February 14, 1862; killed, April 12, 1863, by Brigadier-General Corcoran; commissioned Major, June 20, 1861, with rank from May 13, 1861, original; Lieutenant-Colonel, February 24, 1862, with rank from February 14, 1862, vice George F. Betts, resigned.
1st Regt. N.G.S.N.Y. Hawkins' Zouaves
Shako Plate 1865-66
The Hawkins Zouaves motto meaning "Always Ready."
The 1st New York National Guard which included three veteran Zouave regiments from N.Y. City, wore the Hawkins' Zouave uniform and carried their battle honors after the Civil War.
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